About: Love Addiction Help & Recovery


If you or someone you know is struggling with love addiction, anxious or avoidant attachment, and codependency patterns-- You are at the right place.

This website is about helping YOU discover effective solutions to break free from love addiction and insecure attachment patterns.

Here, you'll find vital insight, tools, and guidance needed to cultivate healthier relationships and embrace a life rooted in self-love and security.

  • Gaining vital insight and tools to break free from sabotaging insecure attachment or love addiction patterns.
  • Utilizing our online services- Individual and Group Support (e.g., Relationships, Recovery, Love Withdrawal, Becoming Secure, Breakup, Healthy Dating) 
  • Awesome books and workbooks on love addiction and treatment.
  • Articles on Love Addiction, Avoidance, Relationships, Healing, and Much More!
  • Awesome Online Courses- Coming Soon!


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From Heartbreak to Healthy Love: A Recovered Love Addict's Journey (3 min. read)


I'm Jim, a former therapist turned Love Addiction Specialist and Relationship Coach. For over 13 years and counting, I've helped countless individuals overcome toxic relationship patterns and develop a secure attachment style, making fulfilling love possible. 

What prompted me to start this website specializing in love addiction, relationships, and recovery?

It's personal.

I won't engulf you with too many details of my story since that can fill up a whole book- but here are 4 important qualifications I have, which I believe will give you the confidence and trust in what I offer on this site to help you heal love addiction and develop the inner peace and skills to create healthy, happy relationships you deserve.

  1. I've been a love addict for many years- I know what it's like to experience chaotic & toxic love.
  2. I've achieved remarkable recovery and healing, and I believe the tools, insights, and methods I teach can help you do the same.

  3. In my commitment to help you, I became a student of psychology, love addiction, and how to have healthy love relationships- I studied & read countless books on addictive relationships- did countless hours of research- and attended many professional lectures- I will help you find solutions.

  4. I'm a Graduate of a Master's Therapy Program. After a whole lot of recovery work, I was educated and trained as a clinician/therapist and earned a Master's Degree in Counseling and psychology. This was the 'icing on the cake', so to speak, to enhance my skills and further allow me to gain key insight into the psychology of healing, love, and relationshipsto help you. 


With profound experience and a deep understanding of love addiction, attachment styles, codependency, and trauma in the context of romantic relationships, I have developed a powerful toolkit with practical strategies and techniques that have proven successful in helping clients from all over the globe achieve their goals.



For years, I had NO IDEA of how to be in healthy love relationships or attract healthy partners.

In fact, I thought I was the committed, giving, supportive partner who knew how to love.

I repeatedly attracted partners who were as unhealthy as I was. I was attracted to drama, dysfunction, and emotionally fearful & unavailable partners. I lived through one frustrating & painful relationship after another & it was wearing on me.

I read self-help books and relationship books and did therapy and counseling (many times)- anything to figure it all out.

And yet, nothing seemed to work.

The beginning of the end of my Love Addiction.

My turning point in life came after another painful end to a dysfunctional- addictive relationship finally hit "bottom". You might ask: What is "bottom"? "Bottom" for me was consuming obsession, confusion, emotional pain, shock, & numbness- I lost myself!

The wall of denial I used (unintentionally) all my life, finally crumbled- breaking all at once- soon after this particular relationship ended.

My family and friends COULD NOT UNDERSTAND what I was going through- and why I was in such misery- over a relationship that was toxic and I was miserable in!


I'll tell you what- at the time, I couldn't understand it either. You might relate to this.

I felt alone, lost, and "crazy."

During this time of my life- I learned about a Rehabilitation Center for Love Addiction - This treatment center was one of the most well respected- and world-renowned of its kind. I finally felt a tinge of hope.

However, there was a problem - a BIG one:

This recovery center was out of State- required about 35 days of intensive treatment- and cost way too much for me to afford. The cost was well over $35,000-- YES! --$35,000, about $65,000 in today's dollars.

I couldn't believe it! - The only place that may help me at the time, and only the wealthy could afford it! No one said life is fair, did they?

But I was desperate and in a hell of a lot of pain.

At this point, I didn't care what it took or how much money I would lose- I was desperate, and I needed and wanted change (though I wasn't sure it was possible at the time).

So I scrambled and borrowed the money (financed)- called the treatment center- and flew off into the blue skies- I was angry, obsessed, shamed, and embarrassed this was happening to me over a relationship.

Despite the deep internal shame I felt at the time, entering treatment to finally deal with the real core issues around this love addiction-- was the beginning of the end of my toxic patterns of loving.

Going to this rehab center was the starting point of my journey that changed my life- and is what drives me today- to want to help you. Thankfully as my feelings of internal shame and hopelessness dissipated, I was more committed than ever.


My growth, insight, and recovery advanced after getting out of treatment.

Because of my incredibly successful recovery experience,  I wanted to learn more- I read, researched, and studied everything I could about love addiction & relationships- the causes, patterns, and treatment methods that further help people break free.

I continued in recovery - and I developed the tools and strategies that further enhanced positive changes in my life.

I went to school to get a Master's in Counseling and Psychology, which also significantly enhanced my expertise to help you get out of the abyss of love addiction.


What brought me to want to help you find freedom from love addiction?

In my gut, I knew there were many people out in our world dealing with this baffling problem (true).

Moreover, I realized that I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to go to this treatment center where I discovered how to love myself and love others- giving me a life of abundance.

I also realized that 99% of the population could never get this kind of treatment, and most therapists cannot provide the critical insight this kind of treatment center provides.

There is no other treatment center like this that a majority of people can afford. I knew I could help others, and I wanted to.


I changed my career focus and committed to helping love addicts in the US and abroad, seeking to break their love addiction and insecure attachment patterns.

My genuine passion today is about helping you discover--  the knowledge,  insight, and tools that led to my breakthrough out of love addiction-- something at the time I never thought I would have achieved in my recovery.

Today, I help anxiously attached love addicts discover hope and freedom and learn that healthy love is absolutely possible. Becoming secure within is also possible—and in most cases, does not require a costly treatment center.

There are many who suffer from love addiction. Many suffer quietly. Some are not as intense as my experience, and others, similarly (hitting a "bottom").  

Nevertheless, millions are living out relationships (and within themselves) in toxic love patterns, in silent despair.


What are the solutions for you to overcome the patterns of love addiction?

Well, everyone's situation is unique. For now, it's important to understand that you are NOT crazy - you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Also, You are not alone. I've done this work long enough to know that many (many-many) people all over the globe face this problem.

It is vital to realize that breaking free from the painful and obsessive patterns of addictive love and improving your relationships is possible. If I could do it, I believe anyone can, with the correct guidance and tools.


Healthy change and recovery from love addiction and insecure attachment patterns cannot generally occur without the right guidance and support from professionals who truly understand these issues.

In my experience, there are few who do.

That's why I started this website over 13 years ago- to help people like you.


I strongly encourage you not to let your time be wasted if you're dealing with this very insidious addiction to "love."

Though love addiction is not a diagnostic condition at this time, and some debate the existence of it, I and many professionals and authors understand how real it is.

And if you have been dealing with it, I am sure you would agree that it sucks, and it sucks really bad.

It doesn't have to be this way in your life.

With the right guidance, tools, and methods,--you can recover.

If you're ready to start feeling hopeful and get answers and tools to move towards healing, becoming secure, and improving your love life -- I want to help you. I am your advocate.

Start now and begin your path to recovery, whether you are single or not—you deserve It. Consider yourself worth the investment you are.

What you can do right now on this site: 

You can begin by reading or browsing some of my articles, learning about my relationship recovery services and how I can help you one-on-one, and/or learning about my books or workbooks and how they can begin helping you, starting today.

Now is the best time to get to where you truly want to be.

You can change your story. You can begin a new chapter. 


Taking the first step is scary, but I am here to help guide you.


I am here for you.

Jim Hall MS



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  • Relationship & Recovery Coaching (from anywhere you live)

I help people break their insecure attachment patterns and love addiction to their avoidant and narcissistic partners during or after a breakup. I Can Help You.

Learn about Love Addiction Coaching


  • Read my books-workbooks (love addiction and recovery):

(downloadable to any device - Kindle is not necessary)


Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Workbook for Love Addicts 
If you're facing a breakup and the pain of love withdrawal, this is the workbook for you!
- learn more about Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Workbook for Love Addicts


The Love Addict in Love Addiction
All about love-relationship addiction, Love Addict, Love Avoidant, and more.
- learn more about The Love Addict in Love Addiction


Gateway to Recovery: The Beginners Guide to Breaking Free from Love Addiction
Learn the strategies needed to start a breakthrough-successful path to recovering
- learn about Gateway to Recovery: The Beginners Recovery Guide for Love Addicts 


  • Online Love Addiction Recovery Groups


- click here to learn more about our online love addiction recovery groups


  • Browse my articles on Love / Relationship Addiction / Love Addict and Love Avoidant, Recovering, Tips, Tools, Advice, etc. 


Love Addiction Help Articles Page

"I never thought I would get over the pain from being with a narcissist for three years. Today, I can actually be alone without being lonely. You helped me see there is hope! You made me finally "get" that I no longer have to settle for crumbs and I know will have a great relationship when the time is right. I am worthy. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. "

Julie (Philadelphia)

"Just wanted to let you know Jim that the sessions I've had with you, unquestionably, have had the greatest impact on my life. Over the years I've seen three therapists and two different relationship/life coaches, yet talking with you is what made the entire difference. You helped me understand that the feelings and actions of my partner (ex now) was 'not about me'. Most of all you helped me believe in myself and realize I have the right to honor my wants and needs and my feelings. Thanks so much for empowering my life- very very grateful. "

Anne (Massachusetts)

"Jim has been there with the love addiction, and you know it by talking to him, he gets you; the obsession; confusion; the pain. But even more importantly, his non-judgementalness, caring and non-shaming nature (yet, 'doesn't mess around'), his professional insights, knowledge, & loads of powerful exercises, helped me change my life! I was stuck in that abyss so common in withdrawal. I thought I was crazy, virtually hopeless. Jim helped changed all that, faster than I ever thought possible. Seriously, if you need help with your love addiction, Jim, is the real deal. "

Leslie (New York)


Start your recovery today with books/workbooks on Love Addiction, Recovery Groups, Online Courses (coming soon).... providing the support and hope you deserve.  

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Recover from love addiction, heal from love withdrawal caused by a breakup, stop obsessing over an ex and heal from a toxic relationship, or just need quality relationship advice. The Love Addiction and Relationship Coach - Can Help You!

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Over 50+ articles to support your recovery, help you understand the love addiction process, challenges, and tools to start your healing journey.

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