The Beginners Guide to Breaking Free from Love Addiction

by Jim Hall, MS (Author)

Gateway to Healing Love Addiction book:  Offers essential recovery strategies and guidance to help love addicts build a foundation to overcome love addiction and establish a healthy footing for positive change and a long-lasting path toward healing, becoming more secure, and improving relationships. 

Author: Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Specialist and Relationship Coach.


If you've struggled with some degree of love addiction-- and want essential steps, principles, and inspiration— and direction to jumpstart a path to healing and recovery, this recovery book is for you.


Up to now, many books describe a viewpoint of love addiction which often concludes with a few tips or exercises to help overcome love addiction. Some are helpful and some are too vague, confusing, or unclear. In this love addiction workbook, a review of love addiction is covered, however, the primary focus is for love addicts to obtain direction and guidance to help propel long-lasting recovery and improved relationships.

Propel Your Path To Healing And Recovery - 

To make recovery possible, how we start matters.


Laying the initial groundwork (or foundation) will significantly improve the outcome. 

We can look at recovery similar to building a large structure 20 stories high— wherein having an effective plan,  tools, and materials is essential to building a durable foundation so the final result is a sturdy, long-lasting structure. In the same way, this workbook is about helping you establish a robust foundation to help jumpstart a thriving path to breaking free.

As you embrace the strategies in this workbook, you will find that following these simple steps and principles can produce a positive growth-forwarding ripple effect in your life.

The first step toward lasting recovery often begins with understanding the recovery path to which we walk.

If you want to break, eliminate, and sever your love addiction and toxic relationship patterns at its core-- This workbook can be a valuable source to help pave your way forward in overcoming love addiction and becoming more secure..

Also for professionals:

This workbook can also be a useful guide for clinical therapists counselors and other helping professionals to help clients in individual or group settings. If you, your agency, or your group would like the right to use or reproduce any part of this material or other books/workbooks, please contact Jim Hall MS. While this booklet is not a cure for love addiction or a substitute for therapy, the information helps love addicts to create a useful starting pointing love addiction recovery.


Indeed, recovery-- overcoming love addiction and discovering healthy-fulfilling love, is possible.


Healing love addiction is possible. Start recovering today...


Propel Your Path To Healing



You may also be interested in these books:

Overcome love addiction withdrawal after a breakup:  

SURVIVING WITHDRAWAL: The Break Up Workbook for Love Addicts

Learn how anxiously attached love addicts and emotionally unavailable avoidants come together and form toxic dynamics in relationships:

The Love Addict in Love Addiction


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"Hi Jim, I wanted to reach out and sincerely thank you for being so important in helping me transform my life. I'm so grateful to have discovered you and your methods. They really work. I draw on what I learned from our coaching sessions together more than you would believe. You left me with countless strategies, lessons, and skills that have become so vital for me. I don't even want to consider where I would be right now had I not found you to help me overcome my love addiction. It (you) truly changed my life. I'm so proud to be one of your success stories. With all the gratitude in the world, thank you! "

Michael K. (Ohio)

"Hello Jim, Before finding you on the internet, I’ve worked with therapists, life coaches, and helping professionals with various attempts to stop my love addiction, yet I must tell you Jim, that the caring, encouraging, and non-judgmental help you gave me has been, ‘bar none’, the most powerful, effective, helpful, actually superb! I could not feel this good and have so much hope and be where I am today without your help and support and expertise. With Much Gratitude, Janice. "

Janice (Utah)

"From near-total despair to... excited, full of hope and life! Four months ago, I was in a state of near-total despair, after my avoidant partner had upped and left without warning. I couldn't see how to get on without him and could hardly function at all, even at work. I felt completely alone. However, the coaching you provided helped me put my life back together, assess my unhealthy patterns and I finally was able to let go, with learning from you, that yes I do have value and worth. I look back and cannot recognize the woman I was not too long ago. And, although I have yet to meet the healthy partner I know I deserve, I am convinced that he is just around the corner... I cannot thank you enough!!! "

Colleen (Los Angeles)

"I never thought I would get over the pain from being with a narcissist for three years. Today, I can actually be alone without being lonely. You helped me see there is hope! You made me finally "get" that I no longer have to settle for crumbs and I know will have a great relationship when the time is right. I am worthy. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS. "

Julie (Philadelphia)

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