Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Workbook for Insecurely Attached Love Addicts

About: Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Recovery Workbook for Love Addicts provides powerful insight and evidence-based exercises to help the reader understand and overcome love addiction and its withdrawal symptoms.

Learn to reduce obsessive love thinking, beak free from unhealthy habits, build healthy self-esteem, reclaim control of your life, and create a fulfilling life beyond love addiction.

Author: Jim Hall, MS, Love Addiction Specialist and Relationship Coach.


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Nothing is harder on an insecurely attached love addict than going through a breakup, divorce, or relationship loss, no matter how unfulfilled or unhealthy the relationship has been.

Why so difficult? 

Your mind and body are detoxing from an addictive relationship loss- you are facing a withdrawal, not unlike a drug addict experiencing withdrawal from a potent drug like heroin or cocaine (your brain doesn't know the difference).

You're feeling held captive by seemingly unending and exhausting obsessive thoughts; you're feeling out of control; you're feeling like running back to the relationship, creating any contact to feel relief and ease the mental anguish-- all this despite the chaos, frustration or pain you may have experienced with your ex in the relationship. 


What are possible solutions to get over agonizing relationship withdrawal and obsession over an ex?

On an intellectual level, you may understand that returning to the relationship with your ex jumping into another relationship- or seeking relief through another addiction are not the answers that will not help you break free.


Any old patterns of escaping from yourself (which you've done far too long) will in no way promote your well-being and healing if you truly want to get better.

Essential Insights, Tools, and Strategies to Aid in Overcoming a Painful Breakup, Love Obsession, and Relationship Loss.



 It's a GUARANTEE that any emotional escape mechanism from the withdrawal will immobilize the possibility of self-healing; you will simply prolong the pain and continue the same toxic patterns of addictive loving, no matter what person you fall in a relationship with in the future.

I wrote SURVIVING WITHDRAWAL to give you hope and share with you what can make a significant turning point in the right direction.

There is no other self-help breakup recovery book that focuses on this specific issue.

Surviving Withdrawal is tailored specifically for love addicts. Inside, I provide you with supportive and effective strategies to help you relieve the acute, often unforeseen symptoms of withdrawal after a love-addicted relationship breakup.

Inside the Surviving Love Addiction Withdrawal Workbook, you will get Tools, Tactics, and Strategies to Help You Triumph Over the Pain and Obsession of Breakup Withdrawal:

* Improve your sense of self

* Shed guilt, shame, self-hatred, resentment, and other negative feelings

* Have peace of mind

* Feel good about yourself again

* Gain confidence

* See reality that you may not be seeing now


You are likely treading the same ground that I (Jim Hall, MS) walked in my last addictive relationship.

You perhaps are feeling the same despair, suffering the same hardships, experiencing the same irrational fears and obsessive thoughts, and feel like you're in an endless spiral downward.

Withdrawal is a universal experience for love addicts when the "drug of choice" (addictive lover) is no longer available.

The difference between you and me is that you have not come out the other side of and are caught in the grip of the powerful, soul-sucking vortex of emotional dependency to your partner or soon to be ex-partner.


Now it's your turn.

This is your time to become empowered, to put your life back in order, better than it was before--and start putting an end to your dependency to an ex-partner.


This is your moment to take control and to break the chains of the distorted, irrational obsessions and craving to take another "hit" of the person to whom you are addicted.

You do NOT have to stay stuck. You CAN break free, overcome, and survive this withdrawal.

This is your opportunity to help empower yourself to move forward on a fulfilling road to having the real, genuine love relationships you have been dreaming of and of which you deserve.

No more excuses. Allow yourself to break free from compulsive love dependence.

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In this Surviving Love Withdrawal Workbook Discover:


Essential insight:

  • Addiction and its correlation to the withdrawal experience.

  • Fundamental causes of withdrawal symptoms occur in love addiction.
  • Understand how withdrawing from a relationship alters brain biochemistry when love addicts experience the loss of a lover/romantic relationship.
  • How & why love-addicted withdrawal parallels the withdrawal symptoms of an addict trying to kick a drug or alcohol addiction.
  • What you might expect or experience facing love withdrawal (i.e., symptoms, thinking, behaviors) during a relationship breakup.
  • Understand the distinction between the more typical grieving process and grieving felt with love and relationship withdrawal.
  • Gain keen insight into how withdrawing from love addiction can be the seed to grow, strive, and become a whole and healthy person, meet yourself, and realize the remarkable potential for you and your life that has been stored away for so long.
  • Why the Avoidant and/or Narcissist (ex-partner) behaviors, feelings, actions, thoughts, or words have absolutely nothing to do with you; or anything you've done or said or didn't do or say in the relationship.


Essential tools, tactics, and strategies:

  • Conquer upsetting, painful, and anxiety-provoking thoughts, distortions, and obsessions.
  • Getting off the compulsive infatuated emotional roller coaster.
  • Defeat the irrational ‘stinkin-thinkin' (what I call the lies), fueling much of the pain in withdrawal.
  • Change from ‘loving' someone so much it hurts-- to loving yourself enough to stop the pain.
  • Free yourself from compulsive-dependent loving and start building a healthy, meaningful relationship with yourself.
  • Avoid ineffective or self-defeating attempts to hasten your healing process.
  • Replace unhealthy, obsessive, and compulsive behaviors- with strong, nurturing, self-caring behaviors.
  • Curtail zealous addictive urges and craving to ‘contact' or run back to him or her and the love-addicted relationship.
  • Stop giving power to the fantasy- knock your ex-partner off the ‘pedestal' you've put him/her on for too long.
  • Stop yourself from returning to a bad relationship because of the fear of being alone.
  • Proactively face the inevitable challenges of withdrawal- better adjust to the acute discomfort and push through common setbacks in withdrawal.
  • Growth forwarding strategies to survive slips and setbacks so you continue progressing on a healthy course to self-care, healing, and recovery.
  • Steps to free you from destructive loving and begin a new path to build a healthy, meaningful relationship with yourself.


SURVIVING WITHDRAWAL is a workbook about helping you get 'Unstuck' and Empowered.


What this workbook isn't!

There is no magic wand. I can't wave a wand to heal your withdrawal and heal your heart. You're a love addict who desires to heal, so you have some work to do.

There are some things you must know and some things you must do.

I believe the work for you can start right here in this workbook.
I can show you, based on my experience, what's possible. Get going, and you will likely be well on the road to recovery.

I'm not indeed not interested in teaching you how to win your ex back.

You want to heal, right? In my experience, going back to a toxic relationship only leads to continued disaster.

Right now you are in withdrawal from being addicted to your ex, you are baffled, confused, lonely, and more importantly, you want relief. It's called a breakup because it's broken- It's called withdrawal because your ex was a drug which you are breaking free from.

Neither is this workbook on how to find a new lover. That would also be disastrous.

Please don't even think about jumping into another relationship right now. If you did, your healing would certainly continue unhealthy and detrimental love addicted patterns. 
You would continue to abandon You.

You have done that too long.

Your withdrawal is telling you something! And I believe what the experience of withdrawing from an addictive relationship tells us is that it is time to repair, heal, overcome, and break free from toxic loving.


Help yourself get out of withdrawal and break free from the turmoil.


Discover tools to help you reduce the symptoms of love withdrawal.


A Shortlist of Testimonials from individuals who've shared how this workbook positively impacted their lives:


I bought your Surviving Withdrawal Book last night & I just had to tell you how this material has turned my thinking around. I've been feeling a lot of pain and confusion lately & ALREADY I am feeling better. Your workbook makes a whole lot of sense. It is to the point. And it is hardcore.

Dan (New York)

I feel like I could be sitting in front of you and you're awarding me with sensible counsel & & powerful guidance I've so desperately needed. I so appreciate you and your work and what you are doing. Thank you for creating this Surviving Withdrawal Workbook.

Sandra (Texas)

The Surviving Withdrawal workbook has been like having a Therapist by my side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thank You, Jim, for this book.

Nicole (Florida)

I have been in the pain of withdrawal and I literally am incredibly, extraordinarily grateful I found this workbook. Fantastic insight, excellent tools to get out of the pain, stop obsessing and break the desperate craving to contact, "get my hit" as you say. I tried a couple books on breaking up, but Nothing comes close to the material in Surviving Withdrawal book. It truly is the Break Up Workbook for love addicts. Thank you so much.

Joe (California)

Thank you Jim for creating this workbook, it has been a lifesaver for relieving my withdrawal symptoms. I feel better and I have hope! I go to support groups now and I am highly recommending Surviving Withdrawal to others. The many tips, tools, and exercises to stay occupied in a healthy way during the withdrawal period, unbelievable, nothing like it!

Susan (Great Britain)


Surviving Withdrawal 





>Disclaimer: The information presented in Surviving Withdrawal is based on research, expert opinions, and general knowledge in the field. It is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified healthcare professional. Results may vary. Although results from testimonials provided here are factual, purchasers may have different experiences and outcomes and should not base expectations on testimonials provided, as results cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, this workbook is not a substitute for diagnosing or treating any psychological or medical problems. See terms & conditions | privacy policy.

If you have questions, please contact Jim Hall, MS, Author, Love Addiction Specialist, at [email protected]

"Surviving WIthdrawal feels like a lifesaver. I thought I was going crazy. Thank you so much!

Debra (Miami, Fl)



"I bought your Surviving Withdrawal Book last night & I just had to tell you how this material has turned my thinking around. I've been feeling a lot of pain and confusion lately & ALREADY I am feeling better. Your workbook makes a whole lot of sense. It is to the point. And it is hardcore. "

Dan (New York)

"I feel like I could be sitting in front of you and you're awarding me with sensible counsel & & powerful guidance I've so desperately needed. I so appreciate you and your work and what you are doing. Thank you for creating this Surviving Withdrawal Workbook. "

Sandra (Texas)

"I have been in the pain of withdrawal and I literally am incredibly, extraordinarily grateful I found this workbook. Fantastic insight, excellent tools to get out of the pain, stop obsessing and break the desperate craving to contact, "get my hit" as you say. I tried a couple books on breaking up, but Nothing comes close to the material in Surviving Withdrawal book. It truly is the Break Up Workbook for love addicts. Thank you so much. "

Joe (California)

"Thank you Jim for creating this workbook, it has been a lifesaver for relieving my withdrawals symptoms. I feel better and I have hope! I go to support groups now and I am highly recommending Surviving Withdrawal to others. The many tips, tools, and exercises to stay occupied in a healthy way during the withdrawal period, unbelievable, nothing like it! "

Susan (Great Britain)



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Establish a healthy foundation for overcoming love addiction, becoming secure, and improving relationships:

GATEWAY to RECOVERY: The Beginners Recovery Book for Love Addicts

Learn how insecure love addicts and love avoidants come together and form addictive relationships:

The Love Addict in Love Addiction


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